Old Art from High School

A drawing of Caitlin Fairchild from Gen 13. One of my adolescent obsessions.



About brinkmanb47

Howdy! Let me introduce myself! My name is Brandon Bedell, as you must have already surmised. Some also know me as Colonel Cane, Brinkman, or just simply Brink. I am 29 years old. I grew up in a small town called Grant in the State of Michigan. Living most of that time on the wonderful waters of the Muskegon River. Small towns are great to create a mixture of emotions and experiences that inspire creativity. I have always loved to write and have been creating various different pieces for some time now. I have been out of the hobby for a significant season but am ready to jump back into the ink. Over time I will post some of my older pieces and add the new. I hope that you all enjoy it and feel free to comment as you wish!
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